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  4. IDVisorSentry Updater troubleshooter
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  4. IDVisorSentry Updater troubleshooter

IDVisorSentry Updater troubleshooter

The IDVisorSentry Updater may sometimes not run properly.  This post will help you troubleshoot the problem and resolve the issue.

You can use this procedure to re-run the updater, after it has successfully been downloaded, using the in-app feature: Help->Updates.

For version and later, there is a file included in the updater called: SendSyncData.exe.

This file was originally included in version as version, and it is now included in the updater as version  To determine what version this file is, open file explorer, select the file in the installation directory and right click  the mouse, and select the details tab.  The Installation directory is C:\TokenWorks\IDVisorSentry

A problem can occur if this file is being run, while the update is installed.  If this is the case you will see an warning message during the file extraction: Can not create SendSyncData.exe.

See screen shot below:

The solution is to stop IDVisorSentry and the background process called SendSyncData by opening the task manager and ending the task (if it is still running), and then re-run the updater.

To find the updater, you will need to be able to view a hidden folder called C:ProgramData

(to view hidden folders on Win10, open File Explorer, go to View tab and check the box on the upper left called: Hidden Items)

the path to the updater is:


The highlighted hexadecimal folder name will be different on your machine. The one shown above is an example only.

Once you have located the updater, and have ensured that SendSyncData is no longer running, and that IDVisorSentry is also no longer running, you can run the updater by double clicking the file: IDVisorSentryInst.exe

After installation, you can verify that the SendSyncData is at version by checking the file properties with Explorer.


Identifake Update

Cannot create sendsyncdata.exe

IDVisorSentry Update

Updated on December 31, 2020

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